Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Oy vey.

Mom & I at a wedding almost exactly 1 month after her accident.
She was still in a wheelchair, but determined to be at this wedding!

Good grief, it's 2008 already? I feel a little bit like I have been asleep for the past 4 months. Mom is improving - thank you for the sweet thoughts! I have to admit that her accident put a severe kink in my life. I didn't do anything without thinking about whether someone could help her, stay with her, etc. Honestly, I thought about resenting it and then realized - I should be grateful! My mother, who took care of me in every sense of the word, who was unselfish and hard-working, and who bore the brunt of any adolescent angst I may or may not have displayed - needed me. How many people get the opportunity to care for their parent in such a way and have them recover afterward? So I feel as though I gave my mother these last 4 months. They were not wasted after all. They were spent giving my mother everything I had. My gift to her.

Happy New Year to all of you! I'm not going to do my New Year's post right this minute, but I promise to be back to blogging (heard that before? ;)) for now. After all, I have all kinds of crafting to show off. I'm learning how to sew and quilt and received this and this for Christmas!

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